Saturday, May 30, 2009

23 Jewish communities to be DESTROYED!!!

I sent this letter out to over 100+ synagogues across 33 US States and Canada. I only received one response "please remove us form your list". I would like to invite all people, Jews, non Jews, religious and non-religious, believes and non-believers to join this battle for the Land of Israel. Whether you are joining this campaign for spiritual reasons or for practical considerations, one thing is clear. We all must stand strong against the ethnic cleansing of Jews from their homeland and another Arab-Terror state. Everyone should talk to their family, friends, spiritual and or lay leadership and encourage them to speak out. Everyone should try to bring 10 people into this campaign.

Ok, lets go!

Chag Sameyach!

Yosef Rabin

Defense Minister Ehud Barak has ordered for the uprooting of 23 small communities in Judea and Samaria before June 6. Were it not for the importance and urgency of the matter - the honor of God's Name, and life and death for the nation of Israel - I would have remained silent. My friends please know that these "small demolitions" are just the beginning of a much greater expulsion. I am imploring to act swiftly to oppose this dangerous upcoming expulsion. 

I would like to point out a few dangers that would result from a mass expulsion. 
1. The expulsion of nearly 300,000 Jews. The lives of 300,000 Jews will be ruined, as will yeshivot, shuls and kollelim, and the beautiful communities will be handed over to the enemy. In addition the issues of the Jewish refugees will no be addressed. They could not even handle the 10,000 refugees of Gush Katif and Tzfon Hashomron.

2. Surrendering the entire Samarian and Judean mountain range to the enemy (Hamas, Fatah, Islamic Jihad, etc.). Rockets from Hebron will hit Beersheba and Kiryat Gat; Bethlehem will hit Jerusalem; Bodrus will hit Ben-Gurion Airport; Rantis will hit Tel Aviv; Kalkilya will hit Kfar Saba and Raanana; Tulkarem will hit Netanya; Jenin will hit Afula and Nazareth.

3. The surrender of eastern Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. No more visits to the 
Kotel. Even with Israeli control over eastern Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, the army has shut down the Kotel for hours at a time due to security concerns. In addition, the Jews in western Jerusalem will have to deal with constant rocket and mortar attacks, as did their parents and grandparent up till 1967.

4. The surrender of over 1/3 of Israel's water supply. Israel already faces a severe water crisis. The aquifers of Judea and Samaria are of the highest quality and supply the domestic needs of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Beersheba and most of the cities in the center of the country; they are also used for irrigation of large agricultural areas along the coastal plain, the piedmont, the Beersheba valley and the Jezreel Valley.

I am asking every individual to spread the word about this campaign!

1. Sign and foward the petition to US Jewish organizations urging them to openly oppose more expulsions, land withdrawals and a Arab State in the Land of Israel.
2. Distribute this flyer calling on the public to call, fax and email Defense Minister Ehud Barak with the message that he should reveres this order and allow these communities to grow and flourish.

We are running out of time.


Yosef Rabin 

Director - Eretz Yisrael Committee of North America